silene|silenes in English


(Botany) perennial plant that has red or pink flowers; genus of plants that are generally covered with a viscous secretion by which insects are caught and have colorful showy flowers

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1. Apetalous catchfly Silene uralensis ssp

2. Bocquet – Apetalous catchfly Subspecies: Silene uralensis (Rupr.) Bocquet ssp

3. Assiniboine park include American alpine smelowskia Smelowskia calycina, Raynold's sedge Carex raynoldsii, Cusick's Indian paintbrush Castilleja cusickii, stalked-pod locoweed Oxytropis podocarpa, sub-alpine grassland Saussurea nuda and Apetalous campion Silene uralensis attenuata.

4. In addition to this genus name the following names of plant species, subspecies and hybrids, as well as a fungal species preserve his name: Alchemilla rothmaleri Alyssum rothmaleri (= A. minus) Armeria rothmaleri 1987 Centaurea paniculata ssp. rothmalerana = C. rothmalerana = Acosta rothmalerana Festuca rubra L. var. rothmaleri = F. rothmaleri Helianthum x rothmaleri Hieracium laevigatum ssp. rothmaleri Lupinus rothmaleri Myrica rothmalerana Phyllosticta rothmaleri Silene rothmaleri Rothmaler was married twice.

5. An observation-based analysis indicated that the plant species of the Podhale meadows, pastures and mountain pastures most commonly eaten by the sheep are as follows: snowcap (Arabis alpina), yellow thistle (Cirsium erisithales), arctic yellow violet (Viola bilora), alpine clematis (Clematis alpina), Senecio subalpinus, alpine snowbell (Soldanella carpatica), Austrian leopard's bane (Doronicum austriacum), wolfsbane (Aconitum firmum), saxifrage, alpine buttercup (Ranunculus alpestris), moss campion (Silene acaulis), cranberry (Oxycoccos quadripetalus), yellow saxifrage (Saxifraga aizoides), alpine blue sow thistle (Cicerbita alpina), net-leaved willow (Salix reticulata), Saxifraga wahlenbergii, alpine poppy (Papaver burseri), golden cinquefoil (Potentilla aurea) and narcissus-flowered anemone (Anemone narcissifolia